The brief: To counter the doom and gloom climate narratives for ones that create a sense of hope, agency and reimagination.
The process: Our virtual event approach moves beyond traditional panels, guiding participants through private one-on-one meetings to exchange personal stories. Partnering with EarthJustice, Rare, Good Energy, The Solutions Project, CAA Foundation, Sierra Club, and The Redford Center, we engaged prominent climate leaders and extraordinary individuals—many of whom are Indigenous—from around the world, emphasizing the importance of Indigenous climate wisdom.
For this convening, we hosted a pre-event to honor the experts, refine their stories, and create networking opportunities, followed by a main event where fifty major TV showrunners met these exceptional experts. I designed the Run of Show in collaboration with our advocacy partners, curated interstitial videos, and sourced surprise sponsorship gifts to enhance the attendee experience. In collaboration with Rare, a climate behavior research organization, I produced an explainer video for the convening, which also features on our social media. I co-wrote the script, directed voice-over actors and directed the video team.
The outcomes:
Every attendee received an eco conscious gift pack ahead of the virtual event that included sponsored gifts from: organic tea sampler packs from Numi, Masterclass sponsored membership to all attendees, soap from carbon capture company Clean02 and the book 1001 Voices On Climate Change by one of our expert attendees Devi Lockwood